Hello! My name is Maia Kincaid.
One afternoon about 26 years ago, I had an experience that forever transformed my life. To my amazement and joy, I discovered I could easily converse back and forth with my dog Winston. In those joyous moments talking with Winston, it occurred to me animals had been communicating directly with me all along. When I taught my first class I experienced my students having two-way dialogs with animals. I LOVE experiencing my student's delight in realizing they CAN communicate EASILY with their animals and any animal, anywhere in the world.
From my experience teaching animal communication since 1997 all people have the natural ability to easily communicate with animals and to make a difference for them through their communication. More Information
Student comments:
"Maia, you have dispelled my fear that I would be a complete failure at animal communication, believing that other people can do it, but not me. Like you say, it is easy, and we all have the ability to “talk with the animals”. And what a joy that is! This is life-changing for me." Honour Leigh
"I am so, so filled with joy knowing that I can now communicate with animals. It has made a huge difference in my life." Carla Hara
"I learned about communicating easily and effortlessly. Thanks, Maia for the confidence you helped me gain in myself." Lisa Murphy


"Maia, The class was incredible. You are opening new doorways for me. Each time your work becomes more real and my dream more of a reality.Thank you so much." Judi Milin
"Maia, The gifts you are offering the world are critical and valuable."
Barbara Johnson