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A Student Overcomes Doubt

Updated: Jul 22, 2019

Maia Kincaid Sedona International School for Animal & Nature Communication

It is an interesting world to live in where I know ALL human beings have the natural ability to EASILY communicate telepathically with animals. But not every person has the desire to have two-way dialogs with animals, or the belief it is possible, or the understanding they can do it whether they believe it is possible or not.

From my experience there is no limitation to communication between any human being and any animal no matter where they are in the world and no matter what is going on. They don't even have to have met before. The communication can be a profound dialog back and forth between a person and an animal (or a person and a tree, or a plant, or an insect or the Earth).

I think of telepathic animal communication as the language of love. Love conquers all! Love has no limitations. The only thing which ever gets in the way of communication/love is human doubt. When we doubt ourselves we tend to be experiencing some kind of fear. We tend to pull back and stop engaging. It may not be an intense fear or anything distinct but it can stop us from moving forward with something we have a deep desire to experience and know. Doubting thoughts can have us give up on our dreams because when we feel doubtful we tend to feel low, confused and concerned about getting it right. We feel low about ourselves. Love is what gets us unstuck and back in communication. It starts with noticing we are in doubt and choosing to transform that right there in the moment. Choosing to be compassionate with ourselves in the face of doubt can actually bring a sense of ease and release of our frustration for ourselves. In an instant we may remember the sweetness of our strong desire to make a difference and the courage we have had over the years. We remember our dreams yet to be fulfilled and the joy and the drive we have to accomplish them. We may remember times in the past where we took an action we didn't know possible. After reflecting for a moment on who we are and what makes us feel good about ourselves and our lives there is the opportunity to have renewed enthusiasm for our dream and feeling more unstoppable even than before. Love of self, compassion, patience, joy in being and being attentive to ones emotions and physical wellbeing can take us immediately from doubt to inspiration.

What inspired me to write this post today was reading my student, Annette Hadaway's blog called: "Transforming Doubt". She wrote this blog about her journey overcoming doubt as she was attending my Animal Communication Certification Program.

Read the entire blog here: Transforming Doubt in Animal Communication and Nature Communication

Annette's words:

"After my third class as a guest, I knew Maia’s one-year certification program was for me.

Annette Hadaway graduate of the Animal Communication Certification Program 2019

Ready to move forward on my path in animal and nature communication I set up a one-hour appointment with Maia to ask questions on logistics then set a date for my private one-hour session with Maia before integrating to my first class as an official student.

You know the feeling of learning to drive a manual transmission car – that first time you grasp that sweet spot feeling of the clutch versus brake, and actually starting to move the car forward? This feeling was consciously realized for me during my first private session with Maia. This was also the time I started doubting myself. Big time!

Are these my thoughts or the animals?

Is Maia a scam artist?

Am I bothering the animal?

Are my questions stupid?

Am I worthy of doing this work?

One evening driving home from work to a house-sitting gig I tried my own experiment in telepathy. I said the name of a close friend three times in my head. Within forty-five minutes that friend texted me a photo of herself wearing an elephant t-shirt! Sharing the experiment with that friend I found out she had taken that selfie weeks ago but had just felt like sending it to me."

"I wish I could say the doubt subsided after those events but retraining my human brain to believe I can communicate with animals and nature was a longer process for me. As the months went by I began to develop the skill in class, worked with classmates outside of class, and practiced on my own. – As my confidence grew the doubt began to dissolve.

At this moment as I complete the last two months of Maia’s one-year certification program in Nepal surrounded by elephants, there is no doubt about the joy I am experiencing.

And I am confident that you too have the ability to communicate telepathically…just ask the elephants!"

Annette has continually overcome doubt and taken actions which have been both inspiring and transformative for her and those around her. It is a delight to know her and to work with her. Thank you, Annette! Having my students and graduates in action with their own animal and nature communication businesses, communicating with animals around the world is deeply satisfying to me. The gift of communication is listening, giving another being the opportunity to be heard, known, understood and deeply appreciated.

Here's a quote by Albert Einstein:

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Annette graduated from the Animal Communication Certification Program in January of 2019. She is active in many realms to bring awareness of the preciousness of animals, including having humanity cherish elephants instead of causing them harm. To learn more about Annette and the awesome work she is doing check out her website: Annette Hadaway

Annette is now attending the Nature Communication Certification Program

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