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maia kincaid

Conversation With The Corona Virus!

Updated: Mar 22, 2020

What's an Animal & Nature Communicator to do on St. Patrick's Day during times of the Corona Virus? Go for a hike of course! Nature heals! After I returned I sat down to have another conversation with the Corona Virus. Here's our dialog:

Maia said: Hello Corona Virus

Corona Virus said: Hello!

Maia said: Since I talk with animals, plants, insects, cells, organs, bacteria and viruses on a regular basis I have had numerous people asking me to talk with you. And, of course you know I have talked with you on my own ever since I heard about you and I have also enlisted my awesome students to talk with you in class as well.

Maia said: Corona Virus I would love to talk with you now to learn more about you and how we humans may proceed in our lives in your presence.

Corona Virus said: Here’s what I would love to say. You have heard it many times from many sources and now you have an opportunity to learn it first hand through experiencing a direct threat to your species. I am not evil in myself and it is NOT my intention to cause harm or to elicit fear and upset among you. I am here because you asked me to be here. You have been calling for a quieter time. You have been asking for a rest from your stress-filled days. You have asked for more peace and simple joys to be experienced on a daily basis. You have asked to experience feeling purposeful and useful and appreciated for who you are. You all have asked to experience love, kindness, strength and patience. Your species is on a road to wreckage. I am here to divert you in the path you are heading down. I am here to give understanding and appreciation for what is truly important in your lives. I am here to remind you what life is all about. You now have a time of quiet and contemplation and reflection like you would never imagine creating. I encourage you to go inward, and appreciate these times while you have them. This is a time I encourage you to stay in, rest deeply (you need it!). Rest for your life, complete things of the past, forgive one another come together in your hearts (not in person). Use your technology to stay in touch.

Work with yourself to manage your fears. What you are learning is to live in the moment. Living in the moment is not knowing what is in the next moment. It is living fully celebrating life ~ just being. Step outside, go for a walk. Allow the trees, plants and animals to guide you and to love you. Love them. Be grateful for what you have.

Corona Virus said: What this is all about is living in the moment and loving one another as your family. What you have forgotten is that what is good for one person must be good for another. If something you want or you do is harmful for others including animals, plants, insects and Earth, then it is ultimately in the long run harmful for you too. You are killing yourselves, I am not killing you.

Corona Virus said: We (the virus) don’t despise you and we don’t want to harm you. We LOVE you! The way you humans are living is not sustainable. It is not real, and it is not loved even by you. It is out of the realm of natural harmony. It is out of the realm of nature. You are nature! You are the corona virus. You are the Buddha. You are Christ. You are cancer. You are influenza. You are a vibrant healthy being! You are everything! You, each one of you, encompass all the possibilities and all the expressions of life. You have good hearts. You have good minds. We want to help you STOP, help you pause and reflect and regroup, individually and together as a species. This is a time to go inward and catch up on your rest. Put yourselves and your homes and lives in order. Catch up on the really important things, the things you long to do but never have the time, energy or inspiration. Rest first then rejuvenate and recreate. It is time for you to have your voice again and to be a part of creating your tomorrows. Here’s an example. What is deep in your core is the desire to be of service to another, to do something truly good from your heart. This means thinking of others, it means thinking as a human community being sure all have what they need to thrive. An example now would be not to clean the shelves at the grocery store but instead to take only what you need. As the shelves are cleaned of food and supplies those who had no chance to get their share are in distress and fear. Those clearing shelves are in fear and perpetuating fear. What if you only took what you needed so that others could feel at least as secure as you do? This (Corona Virus) isn’t something you survive and then change to be a better person later on. It is something you strive to be a better person RIGHT NOW because there is no tomorrow! I’m not saying that to scare you I’m simply making a point that fear driven living is causing havoc and it is not new. That is in part why we (the virus) are here right now in this situation.

Maia said: Corona Virus I have heard you may be man made. What do you have to say about this?

Corona Virus said: Well, in a way I/we am/are man made. Humanity is ill. Your species has been ill for quite some time and growing more ill every day. Again, there is nothing to fear. Let me explain. The way your species is living, and living with one another, is not sustainable. You all know this deep down and many of you are very aware and concerned about this. Some of you are living for today and will concern yourselves later, ie tomorrow. You are going to be however you are going to be as usual. Others of you are suffering each passing day with news of cruelty to people and animals and disrespect for the Earth, feeling like you have no voice and no one understands or really cares. ALL of you are contributing equally because this is not a way to live. Very few humans are living in harmony, peace and integrity all around. Every one of you humans has work to do, including you of course. I will say humanity has brought about the corona virus because your immune system as a species is compromised. It is like a doctor (in this case Dr. Corona Virus) putting you on forced bed rest because you are overworked and overstressed. Your systems are on overdrive all the time. Many of you don’t sleep, you don’t give yourselves the opportunity to be out in nature or celebrate and enjoy life. This is not a bashing of humanity. Honestly it isn’t all your fault. You unknowingly have taken paths which have led you to this situation. All that is required now is compassion for yourselves, forgiveness and the opportunity to rest individually and as a species and to rejuvenate your spirit. That is what we, the virus and fellow beings of nature want. We would like humans to join nature, slow down. Some of you are much better at this than others. Often those of you educated in human institutions have more challenge slowing down than others who live in remote villages closer to the land. Some villagers may be new leaders for humanity’s next chapter. It is drama!

Maia said: What do you mean Corona Virus?

Corona Virus said: You humans are dramatic! It is a grand drama watching all that you do. And, I must say you are a lovable lot! Truly you have tender hearts and young minds.

Maia said: Do you have any specific advice or guidance for us Corona Virus?

Maia said: How can you say you like us humans but then cause the deaths of some members of our species?

Corona Virus said: As I said before it is not my intention to harm humans. I am very similar to what you humans call the flu. I am not normally deadly to most people. I am only a danger to those most delicate. Similarly, just as I am, the common flu can be deadly to some human beings.

Corona Virus said: Here’s the thing, if I, the corona virus, am handled with integrity and care then I can disappear from your lives quickly and with no further events. However, this is the challenge. It is difficult for you human beings to do the right thing. You are a young species. In most cases people are being infected because of a lack of understanding of the oneness of you all and the responsibility that naturally dictates. Deaths have occurred because choices have been made which were out of balance with what is in the best interest of your entire species and all species. If you thought of what is in the best interest of all beings including the human species and all other species, animals, Earth, then you would take actions on behalf of all. You would be the voice for all and you would feel the deep satisfaction of standing for all to thrive. You wouldn’t go clean off the shelf at the grocery store. And if you already did maybe you would ask around to see who might need some toilet paper or paper towels and give them some. You would encourage peacefulness and rest and be an example for all humanity. Forgive yourselves, forgive each other. Start anew!

Corona Virus said: My presence could result in a tremendous transformation of the human spirit! We hope to see you having more restfulness, more peace of mind, and peace and MORE simple joy in living!

Maia said: What about those who have died and those who have lost their loved ones and friends?

Corona Virus said: I truly am tenderly thinking of these beings. I have gratitude for them birthing a new experience, truly a transformation in the lives of humans which touches all other beings of life. Those who have passed are deeply loved and appreciated. They have sounded the alarm for all human beings to take a profound pause, to STOP action and be. I ask that each of you think of these individuals and their family members with thanks for their courage. These beings are very loving and kind. They, and their family members and friends deserve your respect, love and appreciation.

Maia said: Why did they in particular, die?

Corona Virus said: They died because their immune response was low. It is as simple as that. Now that you all know about me (the corona virus) you can act accordingly to what is in the best for all. That means staying away from other human beings as much as possible. You can call and interact by your technology. It is good to stay in touch but best not to touch right now. But this also means acting accordingly with regard to going forward in life. This is not about the "Corona Virus", it is about the state of humanity. That is why we (the virus) are here.

Corona Virus said: You asked before for some guidance on how to live in the current days. Here are some suggestions which will be similar to what you have been hearing from your human sources.

1. Stay in isolation (or there with family members you live with) as much as possible. You know better than to go out to parties and events. My spread worldwide has happened quickly and efficiently by personal quarantines being broken for parties and events. Next thing you know you have gotten or given the virus.

2. Rest, Rest, Rest, even if you don’t want to or don’t think you need it! Trust me, you are running ragged, nearly all of you humans are run down and burnt out! Because of this each of you truly is susceptible to getting the virus. You are ALL immune deficient because you lack self love, awareness and care of yourselves and others. Some of you are doing well in these areas but the majority of humans suffer in these areas. As said before don't be hard on yourselves. STOP that right now! Instead take a new path. Honor yourself and others, develop compassion.

3. Do some writing, do some art, play some music. Even if you don’t do art or music why not write your own songs. Write the words and create some tunes. Find some odd supplies around the house to do some drawing and art. A regular writing pen or pencil will work.

4. Write your feelings, your frustrations with your life, write your fears, concerns and your dreams close to your heart.

5. Talk with yourself as you might talk with a friend. Talk about your troubles, your heartbreak and frustrations. How about acknowledging yourself for who you are, how you care and your unfulfilled intentions?

6. Consider what you have you would like to contribute to others. Do some writing and exploration as to how you may have a voice and a contribution. What is your wildest dream of you living in your ideal situation doing your ideal contribution to life?

7. This is a great time to visit all you have and love it or share it. For instance to go through your belongings and clear, clean and organize. This activity will help bring you clarity and peace. It will give you energy to transform your life. These are the kinds of things you have put off to tomorrow around the home which drag you down because you don’t have the time, energy or focus to accomplish them. Now you can rest and begin to work on these projects.

8. Lastly, think of all you have to be thankful for. Give appreciation for yourself and all those who have contributed to your life. This will build your immune system and bring you and others joy!

9. You have a forced vacation which is understood and supported. Take this time and complete your life as it was. Create a new life to live into in the coming days, weeks, months, and years.

Corona Virus said: This is a global event, a human retreat if you will! Time to shut you humans down, stop you, give you an opportunity to heal to find harmony in living with yourselves and one another, and your fellow species, and to love your lives again. You don’t know when to stop!!! So, you are now stopped!!! Allow yourselves to rest, rejuvenate, clear your minds and your hearts, be creative, find your voice, love again, find gratitude in a moment of life, appreciate others and find harmony within and without. We, the so-called Corona Virus, love you and wish you all the best in your forced lockdown. See it as an opportunity, take advantage of this chance you have to realign and regroup to live your life as you deeply wish to live your life. You are encouraged to GO FOR IT!! REST, REST, REST!!! Find your spirit, your voice, and your heart and live going forward listening to the heart of you.

Maia said: Thank you Corona Virus!

Corona Virus said: Thank you Woman!

Conversation 3-17-20 Maia Kincaid and The Corona Virus.

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