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Meditation to Transform Our World

I am not an expert on meditation however I recognize the transformative power the practice of meditation has had on me.

I do a type of meditation which I learned directly from animals, with their coaching, as I have communicated with them telepathically over the years.

I do not use meditation as preparation to communicate with animals. If you do meditate in preparation that is fine as long as it does not become something you HAVE to do in order to talk with animals. Here are some good questions to ask: Would you feel inadequate if you did not complete all your preparations? Do you prepare before you talk with human beings? Having no conditions to meet in order to talk with an any animal instantly, anytime, anywhere, no matter what is going on, is the way to go! A preparation exercise, especially if it takes time, needs to happen in a certain location, requires certain tools (ie seeing a photo of an animal) is a condition which can get in the way of animal communication, or human communication for that matter. Exercises thought to be necessary to prepare to talk with animals can result in some animals not having anyone to talk with (because a person doesn't think they are ready to talk because they haven't done..., they aren't in the right place...., it is chaotic where they are...., etc, etc which all become excuses in the way of actual communication.)

In fact, I don't do any preparation whatsoever. I just jump in and start communicating and that is how I teach as well. Students are blown away by how they can instantly and effectively communicate with animals with NO preparation. Similarly I rarely if ever do any preparation to talk with a fellow human being. I jump in and start to communicate and this is how I communicate with the animals too. I just pay attention to what I notice in myself and what I hear from the animals or people in the moment. The animals trained me in being attentive in the moment one conversation after another.

As an Animal Communicator and a Nature Communicator I like to clarify that meditation is NOT at all necessary to know or as a preparation to communicate with animals or trees, plants, insects or the Earth. Quieting the mind or trying to manage the mind is not needed or even necessarily desirable for animal communication. These activities can have us thinking of ourselves, and trying to control ourselves meanwhile the animal is waiting to talk. The animals like to joke with me "It's all about you (humans) isn't it". Here we are trying to manage ourselves to be in a certain state to talk with them, going around and around with our own stuff, meanwhile they are just wishing we would say hello and start talking.

Meditation has been clumped with animal communication as something that is essential in order to communicate telepathically with animals. People have believed a person must be in a deep quiet space in order to talk with an animal. This belief has left so many animals without anyone to talk with. This mistaken belief has caused a lot of confusion and sadly people who have not believed they could meditate or quiet the mind gave up their dream of talking with animals thinking if they couldn't meditate or quiet the mind then they certainly wouldn't be able to communicate telepathically with animals. This confusion of collapsing together meditation and the idea of quieting the mind with the activity of telepathically communicating can cause a lot of confusion especially for those beginning to become aware of their natural ability to talk with animals.

As a human being I would like to be clear in saying I find meditation to be helpful and transformative personally. I highly recommend meditation for being effective in organizing, completing projects, working with a team, envisioning and birthing a new world, healing and having a sense of well being in all realms of life. There are many ways to meditate and many masters. We have some world renowned teachers here in Sedona.

I learned my meditation from the animals who coached me directly as I talked with them.

One of the meditations the animals taught me was to be attentive in the moment. They taught me this through talking with me, telling me the stories of their life, telling me why they barked incessantly and how they would agree to stop if their person did..... They taught me through sharing about their adventures while out on the run, telling what would make them feel better and about their transition of death. They worked with me on being in the moment while telling me the dreams they had for their person and the actual steps their person could take in their life to achieve these dreams. They taught me to just be with what they shared without trying to fix things and without trying to exert my agenda or my control over them. For instance, they asked me not to try to change anything, just be with what is and listen to what they had to say. I was playing the role of their translator after all, it wasn't about me. They asked me to stop trying to force them to come home or to stop doing something when that is not what they wanted.They trained me to listen and learn. This included listening and learning to my own voice too and learning to honor that. All of this brings more peace on the Earth, just like meditation training of any other kind.

I like to imagine people everywhere pausing regularly throughout the day, even for a moment, to simply be with what is. Pausing momentarily like this does me a world of good! There is no need to quiet my mind. I will often just simply pause, and take a few moments to observe myself, my cats, horses, and others (if anyone else is around). When I pause momentarily I can transform my experience and way of being in an instant. To give an example, I can have a momentary sense of overwhelm at many tasks to do and instead of jumping in frantically to begin to tackle them I can just agree to pause momentarily instead. A moment to just be with the thought of all the tasks to be done and the sense of overwhelm without taking any action. No need to quiet the mind or try to fix anything just be with all that is. Maybe that is a time to go make a cup of tea or coffee. A shift from the overwhelm to focus on something else momentarily or to just pause and do nothing in the face of so many things to do and seemingly so little time. It seems like a totally contrary way to operate and I haven't always done this but I have found it to be highly effective in shifting the overwhelm to a state of awareness, acceptance of what is so, and to being in action with a new sense of enthusiasm and clarity as to why I want to be in action in the first place. Suddenly priorities are crystal clear and a way to accomplish tasks is there like a path waiting for me to take a first step.

I like to think of meditation as a way of being as opposed to a thing to practice for 30 minutes a day. We can meditate all day long by simply being attentive each moment to ourselves and the beings around us. Activities like cleaning, washing dishes, gardening and shoveling horse manure can be very meditative. I call these moving meditations. They can be very satisfying activities which give a sense of peace and ease like a wonderful break from a busy day. People sometimes ask me how I can manage so many things for instance being out in the field in the evening working with the horses and doing the chores. It is meditative and so it is renewing and enriching for me. I am not focusing on anything but what I am doing and just allowing myself to be or think whatever I wish.

I woke up early this morning thinking of meditation and the power the practice of simply being with being has to transform my life and perhaps others. My way of meditating in the moment throughout my day works well for me. Talking with so many animals, plants, trees, insects and the Earth have trained me in being present in the moment. This feels like coming home. It feels more real than the overwhelm I mentioned earlier in this post. We humans make up all the tasks, ideas, calendars, etc anyway. We can also pause and just allow ourselves a moment to have a real moment of just being however that is.

My encouragement is if you feel like you cannot meditate or quiet your mind but you want to talk with animals then just jump in and start talking with the animals. There is NO need to meditate or prepare in any way. You will actually learn to meditate as you talk with them. It is effortless you don't even need to think about it or concern yourself with it.

You can learn to communicate with animals on your own or take one of my classes which are accessible worldwide. I am delighted to assist in working with you privately or in a group class.

If you are meditating already, wonderful! If you want to learn to meditate and or to go into mastery with meditation awesome! I encourage you to consider the teachers available, including the animals who will teach you so much through communicating with them.

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